Edison Elementary’s mission is to establish a community that empowers, inspires, and motivates all students to become life-long learners who are college and career ready.
In order to accomplish this, our school has made the following implementations:
- Support TWCI (Tacoma Whole Child Initiatives)
- Ongoing professional development
- Set high academic standards and expectations
- Best practices in instruction including IBD and TDG (Inquiry By Design and Math Studio)
- Assessment tools and data driven instruction
- Grade level team collaboration as well as with parents and the community to increase student achievement
The South Tacoma community dates back to the year 1891. First known as Excelsior, the area later became known as Edison when the Northern Pacific shops were being built. The name was changed to South Tacoma in April of 1896 when it was annexed to Tacoma.
Edison School was centralized within this South Tacoma community in 1891 in a feed store located on South 58th Street and South Tacoma Way. The first Edison school opened a year later. The fall of 1996 was an exciting time for our Edison community. We broke ground early in September to begin the construction of our new Edison school that opened in September of 1997. With thanks to our voting community, this facility provides the space and characteristics needed to meet the ever-changing needs of education for our students of today and tomorrow. Additionally, it is a multi-use facility that serves as a home to a variety of community groups. It has truly become “a lighthouse in our neighborhood.”